Coach Rawle led our team to victory.
Ash came up with a winning pitching strategy. TC never saw it coming.
President Zale showed everyone that hipster fashion has a place on and off the field.
Malerba caught some flies and did some unnecessary diving/falling to his knees.
Aaron showed off his batting skills to his personal cheering section, his girlfriend.
Morgan introduced the strikeout dance.
Jonas flirted with the ump.
And everyone else on the team gave it their all and made our first victory especially sweet.
A special thanks to Jim for coming out to support the team. We won't blame you for the other team scoring those runs as soon as you showed. I'm sure you're not bad luck.
Congratulations to the undefeated GPTMC softball team!
Check back for updates and game scores throughout the season.
i love it! perfect! and actually, it wasn't a "dance" it was a waltz. right jim?
Linda, your wit is only matched by your score-keeping abilities; overall a nice recap of the game. I am fairly certain the jinx is Snyder, not I.
Looking forward to many more softball games – when it's not so cold out.
Remember when Malerba "slid" into 3rd? That was both heartfelt and heart-warming. E for effort. Toot toot!
even now, i'm still choking back tears. happy ones.
I have nothing to contribute to this blog...just like in last night's game.
Go team!
I know this photo is from Google images, but I can't help this strange feeling that I know that kid.
I'm gonna need dude who was blasting Jay-Z in the distance during the game to come back next week. And he needs to be more consistent. I struck out during one of his hiatuses (hiataii?)
First of all Erik, you showing up is contributing.
Second, Aaron, pluralizing weird words is great.
Third, sliding like that is fun. I suggest you all try it at least once. I'm definitely either A) continuing to slide like that because it makes me feel like a rockstar guitar player, or B) not sliding at all because it hurts my back and I'd rather not get hurt playing softball.
Last, James, how much for the Fred Ex shirt? It's about time (pointing to my watch)
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